You might be a Liberal

I am a big Jeff Foxworthy fan and thought that I might apply some of his humor to Politics.

You Might be a Liberal

  • If you continually refer to the Army as the Military Industrial complex, you might be a liberal.
  • If you have ever said that a fish is an Individual, you might be a Liberal.
  • If you have ever tipped over and burned a car at a peace rally, you might be a Liberal.
  • If every fifth word out of your mouth is Haliburton while discussing politics, you might be a Liberal
  • If you are a college dropout that works at Starbucks and continually call our President, who is a Harvard graduate, an idiot you might be a Liberal.
  • If you think that most of America is to dumb to vote, you might be a Liberal.
  • If you voted for something before you voted against it, you might be a Liberal.
  • If you think that I man running up and down the aisles of an airplane yelling I have a bomb just needs to catch up on his meds, you might be a Liberal.
  • If you continually say you support the troops and in the next sentence accuse them of being terrorist, you might be a Liberal.
  • If you don't consider oral sex sex , you might be a liberal.

1 comment:

Redstater said...

Well unfortunately this the typical liberal. Sitting in Starbucks drinking a $7 coffee and calling the President who received a History Degree from Yale University and a MBA from Harvard in 1975 an Idiot. Here is his Bio. Try to overt your eyes from the DNC talking points every once in a while and read some basic facts Jeff. More people will respect you and maybe you could become a psuedo intellectual instead of just uninformed.